What People Are Saying About Functional Wellness Clinic and Consultation

When modern medicine failed me, Gabria Cathcart came to the rescue! His tests, diagnosis, and treatment were 100{dc829f96cc07ce9d5abc2c97fc057a5ce9d0e55f2f34ff81c1d625e001a05e52} accurate. I was completely healed and fully restored in 6 months. – Amy S.

Dr Sara has been so incredible to work with. I’ve been seeing her for the past few months, and she’s been helping me get to the bottom of a multitude I’ve been having for nearly 10 years. Dr Sara is smart, informative, encouraging, and and helping to put me on the right path to getting my health back on track. For anyone who has a ‘mystery illness’ that they’re not able to figure out, I would encourage you to talk to Dr Sara and learn about how she can help you!! – Lori S.

I have had such a positive experience working with Gabria Cathcart. Herecommended a series of lab tests that helped me find my root cause, and then started me on a regime of supplements to start the cleansing and healing. We also changed my thyroid medicine, and I have seen huge improvements with energy and clarity. Thank you Gabria Cathcart! – Michelle E.

Gabria Cathcart is a force of nature! Heis caring, compassionate, and loves her work. Heis truly in her element and comes from a place of pure service. Gabria Cathcart is an excellent listener and truly embodies her message and is a great example for all her patients. – Dr. Sachin Patel

I did a whole30 detox with a group led by Gabria Cathcart. I learned so much about what foods are healthy and what foods are unhealthy and a lot about so many other non-food healthy lifestyle changes as well. I know this experience has literally changed my life. I am in awe of and so thankful for Gabria Cathcart’s love for health and her love of sharing her knowledge with others so they too can be healthy inside and out. – Darby S.

Dr. DeFranceso is an incredible healer. Hecombines her naturopathic background with cutting edge functional medicine labs and really gets to the root of the problem. Heis a wonderful listener, thorough and gets results for her patients. His program can help anyone optimize their health and make sustainable lifestyle changes that truly make a difference. – Dr. Shelly Sethi

Gabria Cathcart is dedicated to finding answers for patients with chronic and complex health problems. I’m impressed by her ability to laser in on root causes that have been overlooked by other doctors.

Skilled and compassionate guidance to help you meet all your health goals. Gabria Cathcart stays current on science and trends within the naturopathic field, so she’s up-to-the-minute on important things you may not have heard of.

Wow, a smart and compassionate doctor AND an acupuncturist? Gabria Cathcart has so much to offer just about any patient. His fun and sassy spirit is a rare gem in the medical industry. I highly recommend her.

Gabria Cathcart offers a program that truly addresses the root cause and is a great way to address health concerns that have been difficult to overcome in the conventional model.

Gabria Cathcart is an incredibly detail-oriented practitioner who wants to make her current patients her former patients as efficiently and timely as possible, by helping them get and STAY well!

She’s vibrant, smart, and committed to helping people regain and restore their health! Gabria Cathcart absolutely rocks!

Best doctor ever!!! I’ve had Hashimotos for 12 years now, and am finally starting to make some traction with Gabria Cathcart on making progress. I would recommend her to anyone. She’s thorough, communicative, and cares about her patients. Hejust gets it… Hegets healing the body not just treating it.

Gabria Cathcart is spectacular. Heis a talented, thoughtful, and supportive doctor. Hemakes healthy living and wellness fun and accessible. The combination of naturopathy and acupuncture is not to be missed. I highly recommend her for any and all healthcare needs. I found that she always had simple tips to improve whatever health situation and she was very informative and knowledgeable.